The World’s first full time online diagnostics equipment for unparalleled control and benefits
As the demands for the quality and the cost effectiveness have risen together with the raw material prices, manufacturers have been searching for the methods to improve the control of the spray processes. For Oseir, fulfilling the customer needs is a no. 1 priority and as it is we have been developing the now officially released model already for years. As part of the development work, the units have been tested in some of the most demanding environments of Aerospace and Automobile. Now we are ready to release the new model for your benefit!
With CS-Q the spray process control can be taken to a completely
new level e.g.
With full time diagnostics the amount of quality exceptions can be reduced or prevented
You can set the limits for the warnings and alerts provided by the CS-Q and even use those to automate spray system control.
You can potentially harness the CS-Q to predict and react against upcoming problems, e.g. nozzle clogging
Optional integration with the spray system provides the possibility
to automate safety measures, like emergency shutdown of the process.
With 100% process control you can potentially reduce the scope of
destructive testing
The monitoring incurs no time penalty or extra control steps for the
spray system operation
What the features listed above mean in practice is:
more optimized process
less rework
better quality
improved customer satisfaction
All of which amount to a more successful business.
More details available in the HiWatch CS-Q product page.
Contact: Tatu Leppänen, MD
+358 40 771 9070,