CSAT 2022 Poster Session
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2022 Student Poster Submissions
1. Akul Chaudhair, Northeastern: Investigation of Nozzle Clogging in Cold Spray
2. Aulora Rusk, Mississippi State: Crystal Plasticity Modeling Effort to Capture Microstructural Variations in Cold Sprayed Materials
3. Creston Giles, Mississippi State: A Constitutive Material Model for Simulating Texture Evolution and Anisotropy Effects in Cold Spray
4. Davoud Jafarlou, UMASS: Suppression of Nozzle Clogging with CO2 Cooling
5. Denny John, FIU: Cold Spray Deposition of High Strength Composite Coatings of Aluminum High Entropy Alloy and Aluminum 6061
6. Ibnaj Anamika Anni , Rowan University: Numerical Investigation of Cold Spray Deposition Mechanisms of Polymeric Coating on Fiber Reinforced Polymer Composites
7. Jack Grubbs, WPI: Exploring Linkages between Powder Rheology, Feed Rate, and Processability in Cold Spray
8. Jasper Lienhard, MIT: Mapping Cold Spray Adhesion Windows Using Single Particle Impact Data
9. Kiran Judd, WPI: Impact of Thermal Pre-processing of 410 and 430 Stainless-steel Powder upon Microstructural and Mechanical Properties
10. Kyle Wade, UCONN: Micro-Mechanical Characterization of Tantalum Cold Spray Deposits
11. Kyrus Tsai, UCONN: Microstructural Analysis of Tantalum Feedstock Powders and Cold-Sprayed Deposits
12. Lucas Bartek, South Dakota SM: Friction Stir Processed 6061 Aluminum Cold Spray Depositions
Withdrew from competition
13. Matthew Schwenger, Rowan University: Considerations in the Adaptation of Cold Spray to High-Performance Polymers
14. Mehdi Barhoumi, Rowan University: Thermo/Fluid Mechanics of Supersonic Impinging Jet Flows – In Search of a Modern Bow Shock Standoff Distance Correlation
15. Nadib Akram, UCONN: Microstructural Observation of Heat Treated Al6061 Powder and Corresponding Cold Sprayed Samples using Electron Microscopy
16. Po-Lun Feng, USC: Hybrid Bond Layers for Cold Spray Metallization of CFRP Surfaces
17. Roy Kesterson, South Dakota SM: Microstructure, Corrosion Response, and Mechanical Behavior of Sacrificial Al-Zn-In Cold Spray Coatings on Aluminum and Steel Substrates
Withdrew from competition
18. Ryan Cochran, Mississippi State: Aging Effects on Cold Sprayed Al 6061 Alloy Stress Corrosion Cracking Response
19. Scott Julien, NU: In Situ Laser Profilometry for Measuring the Shape of an Evolving Cold Spray Deposit
20. N. Hutasoit, Swinburne University of Technology: Low-pressure compressed air-based cold spray additive manufacturing applications
21. B. Palacios: Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of WAAM CpTi
22. A. Hamrani: Applying Machine Learning to WAAM: A Systematic Data-Driven Approach
23. K. Rodriguez: Corrosion Behavior of Cp-Ti Grade 2 WAAM Samples Tested in 0.1 N NaCl
24. M. Rayhan: Development of a Framework to Evaluate Automation of Robotic Systems for WAAM